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Questions & Answers

Shooting Star



I purchased a plant from a store, with your nusery name on it. I went on your website for infromation and your site has no match found for this plant. I would like to know how to care for it.


You are the 2nd person to mention plants from our nursery, unfortunately we do not grow plants. Funny? Bellow is what I know about Shooting Star or Dodecatheon meadia, from the Primrose family.

The preference is full or partial sun, and moist to slightly dry soil. Shooting Star can thrive on dry sunny slopes if there is sufficient rainfall during the spring because it dies down before summer droughts arrive. The foliage of mature plants dies down before disease can affect it. Shooting Star can be difficult to start from seed because of damping off, and it is slow to develop because of the short period of active growth. Transplants can also be temperamental, particularly if they are too small, or dug into the ground after the cool rainy weather of spring. Be sure they have plenty of sun.

Hope this helps.

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