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Gardening Questions Answered, Free Expert Plant Advice

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tomato plants blight?

Last year I lost my tomato plants to what I assumed from reading in our local area reports to blight. Well the same disease seems to have done them in again. The leaves turn yellow then brown, wilt and the tomatoes are hard, deformed and have holes in them. What can I do to keep this from happening next year? My cucumber plants turned yellow and died as well. I seem to have a lot of tiny ants and lots of grubs too. I used insecticides to try and get rid of them. I noticed a decrease in grubs, but the ants seemed to increase. They ate huge holes in my sunflower leaves and my beans, beets and lettuce.

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Jade plants

I have a plant that I got from a friend and the label said it was a bangle jade but I can't find it online. But I have to tell you the leafs look like sherk's ears.

Spoon Jade Plant.jpg

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I have 3 Sweet Haze roses. Will they survive a winter in zone 5?

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Succulents growing in sand

Is sand a good soil type for a couple of succulents?

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The corn in my garden has red lines on the huskes is their problem?

rust on corn.jpg

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potting soil

Is it safe to use a smelly leftover potting soil on edible plants?

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Problems with squash plants

I have a lot of squash plants, but I am not getting any squash. I sprayed them with liquid Sevin, but it made no difference. What do I need to do?

male squash flower.jpg

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tree pollination (fruit)

I am getting a pineapple quince what other fruit tree do I need to pollinate it?

pineapple quince.png

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seeds (how to dry and save)

How do I dry and save hot pepper seeds to plant for next season learned a lot from my grandmother but she is gone?

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bean bug/beetle control

Bean bugs and their yellow beetles are destroying my running beans. How can I control organically? Hot pepper, tobacco juice, and dish deterg. don't phase them. Please help soon.

Mexican bean beetle .png

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What variety of blueberry grows best in the Sacramento, Ca area?

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