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Plants - Annuals

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposuresort iconTypeHeight     Spread     
Impatiens.pngImpatiens walleranaImpatiens1 - 11+ShadeAnnualsUnder 1'Under 1'
Osteospermum ecklonis.jpgOsteospermum ecklonisOsteospermum1 - 11+Partial sunAnnuals3 to 6'2 to 3'
Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum.pngBegonia x semperflorens-cultorumWax Begonia 1 - 11+Partial sunAnnualsUnder 1'Under 1'
Fuchsia x hybrida.pngFuchsia x hybridaFuchsia1 - 11+Partial sunAnnuals1 to 2'1 to 2'
Lobeilia erinus.pngLobelia erinusLobelia 1 - 8bFull sunAnnualsUnder 1'Under 1'
Salvia farinacea.pngSalvia farinaceaMealycup Sage1 - 11+Full sunAnnuals2 to 3'2 to 3'
Melampodium paludosum.pngMelampodium paludosumMedallion Flower1 - 11+Full sunAnnualsUnder 1'1 to 2'
Asclepias curassavica.pngAsclepias curassavicaBlood flower9a - 11+Full sunAnnuals2 to 3'2 to 3'
Viola x wittrockiana.pngViola x wittrockianaPansy 8a - 11+Full sunAnnualsUnder 1'Under 1'
xeranthemum annuum.pngxeranthemum annuumImmortelle11 - 11+Full sunAnnuals1 to 2'1 to 2'