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Search Results

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposuresort iconTypeHeightSpread
Caryota urensToddy Palm9a - 11+Full sunPalm Trees30 to 40'15 to 20'
Howea forsterianaKentia Palm8b - 11+Full sunPalm Trees40 to 50'15 to 20'
Gladiolus cardinalisWaterfall Lilly 8a - 10bFull sunPerennials2 to 3'Under 1'
Citrullus lanatusWatermelon3a - 11+Full sunFruits1 to 2'6 to 10'
Picea abies 'Rubra Spicata' Spruce 3a - 9aFull sunTrees40 to 50'15 to 20'
Chionanthus retususChinese Fringetree5a - 9bFull sunTrees10 to 15'10 to 15'
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow6a - 11Full sunTrees15 to 20'15 to 20'
Symplocos paniculataSapphireberry4a - 8bFull sunShrubs15 to 20'15 to 20'
Hibiscus rosa-sinensisHawaiian HibiscusFull sunShrubs10 to 15'6 to 10'
Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra'Lily Magnolia4a - 9bFull sunTrees6 to 10'6 to 10'