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Plants - Trees

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposureTypesort iconHeight     Spread     
Acer rubrum.pngAcer rubrumRed Maple4a - 8bFull sunTrees40 to 50'30 to 40'
Malus 'Purple Prince'Purple Prince Crab4a - 7bFull sunTrees15 to 20'15 to 20'
Prairie Radiance Winterberry.pngEuonymus bungeana 'Verona'Prairie Radiance Winterberry3a - 7bFull sunTrees20 to 30'Under 1'
Abies concolor.pngAbies concolorWhite Fir3a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'20 to 30'
Tila mongolica 'Harvest Gold'Harvest Gold Linden3a - 7bFull sunTrees30 to 40'20 to 30'
Quercus muehlenbergiiChinkapin Oak5a - 7bFull sunTrees40 to 50'50 to 75'
Betula nigra 'BNMTF'.pngBetula nigra 'BNMTF'Dura Heat River Birch5a - 9bFull sunTrees20 to 30'30 to 40'
Populus x canescens 'Tower'Tower Poplar3a - 9bFull sunTrees40 to 50'6 to 10'
Koelreuteria paniculata.jpgKoelreuteria paniculataGoldenrain Tree5a - 9bFull sunTrees20 to 30'20 to 30'
Acer rubrum Autumn Spire(R) AUTUMN SPIRE RED MAPLE.jpgAcer rubrum 'Autumn Spire'Autumn Spire Maple3a - 6bFull sunTrees40 to 50'20 to 30'