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Plants - Trees

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposureTypeHeight     sort iconSpread     
Gymnocladus dioica.jpgGymnocladus dioicaKentucky Coffeetree4a - 8bFull sunTrees50 to 75'40 to 50'
Renaissance Oasis Paper Birch.pngBetula papyrifera 'Oeni'Renaissance Oasis Paper Birch3a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'
image_coming_soon.jpgBetula papyrifera 'renci'Renaissance Reflection Paper Birch3a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'20 to 30'
Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple.pngAcer maccarum 'Bailsta'Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple3a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'40 to 50'
October Glory Maple.JPGAcer rubrum 'October Glory'October Glory Maple5a - 8bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'
Taxodium distichum Baldcypress5a - 9bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'
Fagus sylvatica .pngFagus sylvatica Fern Leaf Beech4a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'
Tilia americana 'Boulevard'Boulevard Linden3a - 8bFull sunTrees50 to 75'20 to 30'
Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyek'.pngFagus sylvatica 'Dawyek'Columnar Beech4a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'15 to 20'
Tilia americana 'Bailyard'Frontyard Linden3a - 8bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'