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Plants - Trees

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposuresort iconTypeHeight     Spread     
Platanus x acerifolia .jpgPlatanus x acerifolia 'Bloodgood'Bloodgood London Planetree5a - 8bFull sunTreesAbove 75'Under 1'
Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva'.jpgHydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva'Late Panicle Hydrangea - Tree form4a - 8bFull sunTrees6 to 10'6 to 10'
image_coming_soon.jpgAcer x freemanii 'Scarsen'Scarlet Sentinel Maple3a - 8bFull sunTrees40 to 50'20 to 30'
Malus 'Lanzam'.pngMalus 'Lanzam'Lancelot Crabapple4a - 7bFull sunTrees6 to 10'6 to 10'
Prairie Radiance Winterberry.pngEuonymus bungeana 'Verona'Prairie Radiance Winterberry3a - 7bFull sunTrees20 to 30'Under 1'
Acer platanoides Deborah DEBORAH MAPLE.jpgAcer platanoides 'Deborah'Deborah Maple4a - 7bFull sunTrees40 to 50'Under 1'
Lagerstroemia indica.pngLagerstroemia indicaCrape myrtle7a - 9bFull sunTrees20 to 30'10 to 15'
Pyrus calleryana 'Trinity'Trinity Pear5a - 9bFull sunTrees20 to 30'15 to 20'
Populus angustifoliaNarrowleaf Poplar3a - 8bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'
Koelreuteria paniculata.jpgKoelreuteria paniculataGoldenrain Tree5a - 9bFull sunTrees20 to 30'20 to 30'