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banana plant bulbs

s.kreager@ asks:


Hi there I live in NW Ohio and it's already been pretty cold I had put dug up all my canna bulbs and banana plant bulbs and put them in garbage bag but i had forgotten abouth them sitting out in my garage! are they ok?? Our garage doesn't stay all that warm so i am sure hoping their all right to get them over to my parents basement in the warmth? Please let me know thanks. Sheenah


Your bulbs should be okay as long as they did not freeze. I would take them in out of the garbage bag and place them in a more ventilated container where moisture can be better controlled. Moisture is not a bulbs friend while being stored it can lead to rot and disease. Moving your bulbs to a warm basement may simulate spring and cause the bulbs to sprout. I recommend moving the bulbs into a large tupperware container filled with dry sand or vermiculite and leaving them in your garage or in similar cool place. When you store bulbs it should be cool, dry and dark. Do not store the bulbs in the refrigerator the ethylene given off by fruits can affect the quality of the bulbs. Hope this helps.

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