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Citronella grass

eddystiffler@ asks:


I am looking for a citronella tree, to aid in repelling flying insects.


Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) is actually a perennial grass grown in Zones 10-12 in Zones below 10 it is best grown as an annual. Citronella is native to Southeast Asia where it is grown for it's oils for use in natural insect repellents. Unfortunately grown in the landscape it has little effectiveness at repelling insects however the fragrance given off by the plant is quite nice. Type Citronella Plant or Mosquito Plant in to your search engine you will find a world of miss information about other plants clamming to be "Mosquito repelling plants" or "Citronella Plants" most of which is just clever marketing. In reality true citronella comes from Cymbopogon nardus. Perhaps the "Citronella Tree" you have heard about is actually a Camphor tree which has been known to ward off mosquitos in a very small area around the tree. May be worth a shot?

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