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Questions & Answers

How to transplant my maple tree?

Dan Wetmore asks:


What is the best way to transplant a maple tree?


I assume you are talking about a small Japanese Maple in which case the tree will move best when it is dormant and has no leaves. To move any woody plant the key is to get the largest rootball possible, and keep the rootball as intact held together during the move. Step 1: Dig around the tree (If you find large roots cut cleanly with a pair of pruners) Step 2: With a sharp shovel work your way around the rootball sliding the shovel under to cut any roots growing down Step 3: Once you have an intact rootball successfully detached from the surrounding soil use a tarp or burlap to work under the rootball and tightly wrap the rootball Step 4: Use a wheelbarrow or hand cart to transport to the new planting location. Remember the tree has lost some roots and will need additional water for several months even during the winter. Good luck!

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