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Plants Good For Las Vegas

steve.wyngarden@ asks:


I have a strip on the west side of my home between the house and the driveway. It is about 2 feet wide and 60' long. I am looking for perennials that will thrive and survive the conditions here. We will water using a drip system or sprinkler hose. We are partial to red, greens and yellow colors. We would consider plants or grasses, and perfer plants that look good year round. The plants can have variuos heights for accent. Do you have recommendations of 6 or 8 types in an area like this?


Due to the extreme heat in Las Vegas and the location in your garden you are looking plant I would lean toward drought tolerant plants. Here is a list of heat and drought tolerant plants that will work in a Las Vegas garden.
Heat And Drought Tolerant Plants:
Angelita Daisy
Apache Plume
Arizona Rosewood
Blanket Flower 'Gaillardia'
Butterfly Bush
Cape Plumbago 'White'
Cassia (There are a number of verities that can be found in your local nursery)
Desert Spoon
Fairy Duster
Globe Mallow
Indigo Bush
Lavender Cotton 'Green'
Mexican Bird of Paradise 'Red'
Mexican Honeysuckle
Ozark Sundrops
Rock Rose 'Purple'
Silver Bush Morning Glory
Yucca (Many to choose from)

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