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Questions & Answers

Radish Root Development

Carol asks:


I've planted radishes for several years now and they don't bulb up just grow tops, even my spinich does the same thing just tops not a bunch of leaves. Why is that?


There are a few common reasons your radishes do not have any root development. Seeds were planted to close together and were not thinned as they developed (crowding and competition for nutrients). The weather is to warm for the variety you selected, some varieties do better than others in warm climates but all are generally cold-season crops. Try the "French Basket" or "Icicle" varieties for summer harvest, in most climates radishes have the best yield from spring or winter crops. Heavy shade will also cause poor root development.
As for the spinach long warm days in spring and summer can cause many spinach varieties to send up seed stalks before they produce enough leaves to harvest, try planting "slow to bolt" or "long standing" varieties.




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