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Questions & Answers

Should I plant bamboo?

Susan asks:


I've been seeing bamboo advertised to plant outside - is there anything I need to know before purchasing?


Well, before buying bamboo, carefully consider how much space you have to dedicate to such a plant. Many varieties of bamboo are considered running bamboo, which means they WILL TAKE OVER, and are almost impossible to get rid of once they're planted. I have seen bamboo runners come up hundreds of feet from the main clump. However, running bamboos have their place if you have the room; they make a beautiful screen. There are also clumping bamboo's that will remain relatively under control in small locations. Bamboo makes a great accent in large pots on a patio. Please, READ the description of the bamboo before you purchase. I recommend consulting your local nursery for help in selecting a variety that fits your landscape.

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