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Questions & Answers

Trimming Shrubs

Sharon Mills asks:


I have Weigela, Hydrangea, Butterfly bush (Buddleja) & Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia), when is the best time to trim these shrubs?


As a rule of thumb the majority of pruning should take place late fall through early spring when the plant is dormant. Be sure not to prune to late in the spring or you rn the risk of removing the developing flower buds. The Cape Myrtle however can be pruned throughout the summer, after a bloom remove the seed pods that have developed about 6-8" of the spent bloom. Because Crape Myrtle bloom on new wood this will encourage a new set of flowers, I have seen plants bloom up to 3 times a summer when pruned regularly. Hydrangea should be pruned back to about 18" canes every couple of years, this is best done in spring as the buds develop. Find the last couple of buds on the cane (they look like a reddish tic tac) make you cut just above that. Hope this helps!

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