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Wisteria vine trained as a trees

Janet Cross asks:


I just purchased a green-leaf Wisteria Amethyst Falls, staked, and would like info on the best way to train as a tree. Please advise. Thank you.


Wisteria can be trained into a small tree because of the woody nature of their stem. Your first step is to pick a leader, depending on the current growth habit from the nursery several stems may be selected. After selecting your stems to become the trunk remove any that remain, removing the extra stems will make sure all the growing energy is focused on the "trunk". Second, select your location in the ground or a pot, wisteria will do best in full sun. Third step is to decide what type of structure you are going to provide the vine to grow on, I feel wood lodge poles or bamboo will work best for this. A pole made from natural material will make it easier to remove when the time comes if you choose. You will want to cut the pole to the height you desire your tree to be, if you want a 5' tree make the pole 6' to account for the portion of the pole below ground. After the vine is planted drive the pole into the soil directly next to the plant. Now it is time to fasten the vine to pole, I suggest using the green tree tape (found at any nursery) be sure not to use any thick plastics or metal ties that may girdle the stem if left on. Now that your wisteria is growing up the pole you will need to remove any unwanted lateral branches that develop. Once the vine reaches the top of the pole it will begin to arch outward, wisteria is a very aggressive plant, you will need to remove the growing tip of the arching branches once it reaches a desired length. As the plant matures be sure to remove any heavy limbs, wisteria can get heavy and crush its self or the structure it grows on. With right amount of care this wisteria trees will be the focus of your landscape, I think this is a great grading project! Send in a picture someday we will added it to the website.

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