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Questions & Answers

Acorn Squash

Shar asks:


We have an acorn squash plant in our garden. We've had at least 8-10 already start to grow. They get to about 1-2" in diameter turn yellow and fall off the vine. Do you have any idea why this is happening?


Acorn squash have very few insect or disease issues. It could be that the flowers are not getting pollinated and what you are seeing is the swollen base of the female flower. Once the blossom runs it course and does not get fertilized it simply drops off. Squash have male and female blossoms on the same plant (monoecious). The male blossom is borne on a slender stalk. The female blossom has the swollen embryonic fruit attached at its base once fertilized the fruit begins to fully develop. Avoid using pesticides which may kill pollinators like bees.

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