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Questions & Answers

Apple Trees

deleel8@ asks:


I live in northern N.Y. and my apple trees this year are covered with a tan colored insect. I dont know if they are aphids. But what can I treat my trees with to protect the fruit but kill the pest?


If they are in fact aphids washing the leaves a few times with a strong stream of water will help control the problem. Aphids will do little to harm the fruit and the quality of the crop as long as the honeydew does not collect on the fruit. If you feel the hose is not doing the trick you can apply an application of pesticide pre-blossom or systemic aphicides. Apply foliage applications of systemic compounds in early season or summer. The earlier the application the better while the aphids are fully exposed before they curl the leaves. Systemic pesticides are required when the leaves have curled. The link below has descriptions of other common apple pests. Hope this helps.

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