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Questions & Answers

Bare Root Trees

Yao asks:


I live in Phoenix. Recently I got a bare root tree. The soil in Phoenix is very poor. Shall I add soil bought from Home Depot? - Some article said it is better to use the original soil. Shall I add fertilizers? Finally is it OK to plant a bare root tree in the summer?


First of all, it maybe difficult to be successful planting a bare root tree in the hot Phoenix summer, thats not to say it can't be done. Ideally fall is best. There are many schools of thought on planting trees and using native vs. bought soil, personally I don't think there is one right answer. I recommend different methods for different soil types, climates and species of tree. In your case in Phoenix with a bare root I would recommend using 50% humus-rich compost 50% native soil. Be sure when you dig the hole the sides of the planting hole are rough and irregular to encourage the roots to move beyond the planting hole. To be successful planting bare root this summer water, water, water!

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