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Deer infestation

dagreer17 asks:


I have a pear tree in my front yard that we planted last year. There are a group of deer that pass by the trees periodically and they are eating away the tree. Is there a way to keep the deer away from my tree that doesn't involve fences or nasty chemic


Well Dave, with out a fence or chemicals your left with trying a number of products offered at your local nursery. These products include predator urine (or something designed to act like it) which is supposed to scare the deer I’ve heard these can work if you have the time and motivation to continuously reapply the product since it wears off relatively fast. Another product on the market is concentrated garlic stakes that can be clipped directly to the plant you want to protect these are newer so I have not heard how effective they can be. Deer can be an up hill battle, good luck! Check with your local nursery.

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