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Driveway near an existing tree? (Pin Oak)

Mark Conklin asks:


Would it harm pin oak trees to put a driveway close to them?


Any time you disturb the root zone of an established tree you put the trees health at risk. A few things to consider would be: How close to the trunk will the root zone be disrupted? (further away the better) What is age of the tree and value the tree has to your landscape? It is always best to leave the root zone untouched however if the driveway is needed take the extra steps to protect the tree during the installation. Protect the trunk from equipment with hay bails, give the tree some extra water during and after for several months to make up for the root loss. Protect the rest of the root zone as much as possible a thick layer of mulch or fence off the area completely, the driveway my not kill the tree but if the remaining root zone becomes compacted during the process the tree will most likely decline and eventually die.

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