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Dwarf Fruit Trees

Terra asks:


I bought a dwarf apple, plum, cherry and pear seedlings. I was told to leave them in water for at least a few days because of the heat when they were shipped. I planted them in adequate sized planters to start them off but they have not grown. They turned brown and have not grown any. They were dormant when I ordered them (This I did not know). I don't over water and they are getting adequate sunlight. Can anyone tell me what the problem is and how to fix it?


First I would check to see if they are still alive. Using your thumbnail or a sharp implement scratch the surface of the stem revealing the cambium it should be bright green then white below the cambium, the stems should be flexible. If the tissue is brown or grey below the bark the tree or at least the stem is most likely dead.

Are there any leaves?

How long have they been dormant?

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