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Questions & Answers

Golden Oregano

dbblanchfield@ asks:


We recently planted golden oregano as an edging plant. Some leaves are golden yellow on top and some are not as yellow (more green) Is there anything I can do to make the plant more golden yellow in color?


Golden Oregano Often plants with yellow, red or purple foliage can have there unique color washed out buy either too much or not enough sun. Generally what happens to protect its self from sunburn and high temperatures the plant will produce additional chlorophyll causing the foliage to turn green. From my experience your golden oregano will return to it's golden color in the fall once the light intensity and temperatures start to subside. If your in a cooler climate and do not feel temperatures could be the cause then it is most likely a genetic variation in that particular lineage. Unfortunately aside from transplanting to a cooler part of the yard there is not much you can do.

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