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Long vines on a plant, what to do?

Asia asks:


Hi I have a house plant that has the ability to be cut at a certain spot, the right spot and put in water to grow roots to be potted. This is a slow, but my problem is my 3 plants keep growing really long, so long that they are the length of 2 of me (5 '8) or more. So I do not no what to do. What do I do with a plant that only gets longer and longer? What can I do with them, I love them. At a loss help!*


Simply remove the growing tip (Apical Meristem) of each vine this will force the plant to focus the growth elsewhere and encourage new growing points to develop. As the new shoots develop they too may grow long and leggy in which case the tips should also be removed. This will improve the fullness of the plant. Since your plants are so long you can cut them back significantly to make it more manageable.

The Apical Meristem is the group of plant cells found that the growing tips of roots and shoots the meristematic tissue. The point where plant growth and elongation takes place. When the dominant apical meristem is removed it releases dormant cells to develop as axillary shoot meristems.

Note: Often plants that are getting less light then they require will get leggy as they reach for more sun light, this could be one cause.

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