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Lucky bamboo plant has grown very tall.

Jeri asks:


My lucky bamboo has been grown in a vase of water. It was thriving, but now is so tall, it won't stand up straight. What can I do to maintain straight, healthy growth? I've tried to tie them together, but then they all lean to one side.


From my experience there is no sure fire method to maintain the up right growth of lucky bamboo, once they reach a certain height it maybe time to prune. Pruning off the shoot down to the main stalk will encourage a new shoot to begin. I have a group of 9 stalks I have had for nearly 10 years and every few years I have had to remove the shoots because they have gotten to tall and wont stand upright. As long as your lucky bamboo is healthy you should see new growth pretty soon after. Your plant may look bare for a while but it will come back. Hope this helps.

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