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Mealy Bugs!!!

M Durham asks:


Mystery: Every spring I "summerize" my balcony in DC with plants: Palms, Bird of Paradise, etc. They do very well. Insect free. I bring the plants in the house in the fall and winter. They get lots of light. But, for the past 3 years, after they have


I can only assume that when you bring your plants in for the winter eggs have been laid on the plant and the warm temperatures inside cause the eggs to hatch. The reason you do not see mealy bugs during the summer is because outdoors mealy bugs have a variety of natural enemies keeping their population down such as parasitic wasps and lady beetles. To control mealy bugs once indoors a solution of alcohol and water in a spray bottle works okay but since mealy bugs are sap suckers I would go to your local garden center and ask for a soil-applied systemic insecticide. Good question!

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