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Messed Up, Homemade Herbicide

Chill1360@ asks:


I was making a solution of vinegar and salt to control weeds in my garden, the problem, I didn't realize that what I picked up was ammonia and wound up making a solution of half ammonia, half vinegar and the remainder salt - sprayed the weeds and then found the mistake - have I killed my veggies or possibly potentially poisoned my husband and myself? Thanks, Chris


The vinegar and salt should have no effect on your vegetables unless they were in very high concentrations. The ammonia on the other hand is beneficial in fact its just another form of Nitrogen which growing plants need more than any other nutrient.
The roots of most plants absorb nitrogen as NO3 (along with a few other forms) from the soil which is then converted to NO2 then finally NH3 (ammonia) before the plant can assimilate the nutrient. Because most plants are presented with nitrogen in different forms before it becomes ammonia the solution you applied will most likely pass on by with little effect.

Have no worries your veggie garden is safe!

Thanks for the gardening question,

Plant Life Online

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