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Questions & Answers


Karen R asks:


I recently received an orchid plant as a gift. I know nothing about them. I think it needs to be transplanted - the roots are above the soil. Where can I find information on successfully growing orchids. Thanks.


Actually roots above the soil are not a bad thing when talking about orchids those are air roots. The majority of orchids are epiphytes which means that grow they grow on another plant generally a tree. Growing in conditions like this the roots of the orchis are exposed to elements absorbing moisture and nutrients from the air and the little decaying matter that settles around the base of the plant. There are a million places online that claim to be experts about orchids however I tend to head for books dedicated on the subject. I find the books to be better organized.

Here are some basic guidelines about caring for Orchids:

Light - Give orchids bright light, but no direct sun.
Water - Water them thoroughly once or twice a week by spraying with gently with sink sprayer or under a gentle stream of water. Make sure the pot has very good drainage.
Fertilizer - Fertilize while the plants are actively growing.
Air movement - Some air circulation is idea to avoid health issues.
Humidity - Grow in areas with more humidity like the kitchen or bathroom.
Proper temperatures - Daytime temperature should be between 65°- 75°F.

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