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johnrupert58@pumpkins asks:


I plant seeds and something digs them up and eats them. I've put stuff out to stop animals but it hasn't worked. They also eat my strawberries. Is there something you can recommend?


Sounds like you have a rodent taking advantage of your generosity. You might want to try starting the seeds indoors once they germinate give them a week or two then plant them in your garden. Seedlings are also tasty to critters so I would recommend using a used container like a milk carton or plastic bottle with both ends cut off to place around the seedling until it has time to establish. Your strawberries could be getting eaten by rodents or birds. Bird nets are available at all garden centers if rodents such as mice are the problem nothing short of traps will stop them. There are predator urine products on the market that claim to detour pest but I'm unsure how well they work.

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