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Rose Pruning In July

Pam asks:


I had a beautiful flowering red rose bush that I pruned back in July when it was full of flowers. I noticed that since then it has not thrown out new shoots but, then I moved it to a new spot by some other rose bushes and it has not come back. In fact, it looks like all the wooded stems have gone brown and dry and there is nothing green and no leaves or new branches since July's pruning and the move. Will the bush come back or did I mistakenly kill this beautiful plant? Thanks


The rose bush is most likely suffering from transplant shock. I recommend removing all the dry, brown, dead stems, if you remove all the dead and there is no sing of green tissue with in the canes at any point, the rose bush is most likely dead. You could wait to remove it, roses are rather resilient and it could surprise you in the spring. Relocating plants even those as hardy as a roses in the middle of summer can be very stressful on the plant.

Hope you find some green cambium!

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