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Questions & Answers

Trees - Soft & Hard Maple

Michelle Strack asks:


I have very large old soft maple trees that have leaves curling, drying up and dropping. This is 6/29 and I am raking leaves, hardly anything left. Trees at least 75 years old and a few that are 15-20 years old. One hard maple is starting as well. What is problem & how to solve? Live in central Illinois.


Sounds like you are describing Verticillium wilt but it could be any number of serious biotic disorders causing the browning and leaf drop of your maple trees. Verticillium wilt is a soil-borne fungus that infects plants through their roots and can lead to branch dieback and eventually death.

I highly recommend you employee the help of an ISA certified arborist to inspect the trees in person. You can find a tree care company with certified arborist by clicking here.

Hope this helps. 

Plant Life Online

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