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Questions & Answers

Vegetable garden

Ladydamp asks:


Can I put weed block down before planting my vegetable, will my veggies be able to survive?


Are you are asking about a pre-emergent herbicide which is applied to the soil to prevent weed seeds from germinating? Yes, pre-emergents can be used in the garden to control weeds as long as you plan to plant older plants not start from seed. Some pre-emergents on the market are also used as growth regulators if they are applied to the foliage they may slow the development of the plant or dwarf it completely.

If you are referring to a broad spectrum herbicide that is applied to the soil and stops weeds from growing for a period of time 6 months, 1 year or longer then the answers is no your veggies will not survive. These herbicides are designed to stop all plants from growing.

Be sure to read the label carefully before applying any pesticides, the labels are very detailed and will tell you how, when and why to apply.

Happy Gardening!

Plant Life Online

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