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Questions & Answers

Evergreen Bushes

lynfr7@ asks:


Why do one side of my bushes look like they have been burnt by fire?!


I can only assume from your description that the "burnt" appearance has been caused by herbicide drift from a recent weed spraying. If this sounds out of the question then it could be either a Rust or Blight. Rusts and blights are generally rare on evergreen shrubs in most regions in the US with the exception of wet humid climates like the Northeast. Good air circulation, avoiding overhead watering and removal of infected shoots will reduce the spread of such pathogens. In any case it is best to remove the affected limbs and dispose of them properly to avoid spreading spores in the case of a pathogen.

Thank you for your answer. Not a result of herbicide overspray. Live in Ohio and have very wet springs. Had started last spring on two bushes and has spread to two more this spring. If I remove infected limbs Ill be removing one complete side of bush! Any other suggestions?

Is it a broadleaf evergreen or a conifer? Can you attach a photo? Unfortunately conifer evergreens will not produce new growth to replace the damaged limbs.

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