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Protect orange trees from cold

How can we protect our citrus trees with this cold weather?

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Leggy Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant has been neglected for some time and needs some loving care. It has become very leggy and don't know how to prune to bring it back to a more compact plant?

Paryer Plant .jpg

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When a stalk is yellow does that mean it's dead, and what should I do about it?

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When and how to prune hydrangea

When and how to prune hydrangea?

hydrangea buds.jpg

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How do I take care of a gardenia tree?

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Umbrella Tree

I have an umbrella tree about 3ft tall. The leaves are turning yellow with dry brown spots. i water the plant regularly, waiting for the soil to be slightly dry then watering, never leaving it in any standing water. The plant has a large pot. I have never noticed any bugs on the plant and have looked. I have a plant near the tree and it is perfectly healthy, so if there were bugs wouldnt they infect the others? I need help this is my favorite plant. I just dont know what I am doing wrong or how to help it.


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Planting Tulip Bulbs

Is it to late to plant bulbs now for spring-Tulips?

tulip bulbs.jpg

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plant bugs

I need a remedy for a gnat type bug on my plants I brought in for the winter.

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banana plant bulbs

Hi there I live in NW Ohio and it's already been pretty cold I had put dug up all my canna bulbs and banana plant bulbs and put them in garbage bag but i had forgotten abouth them sitting out in my garage! are they ok?? Our garage doesn't stay all that warm so i am sure hoping their all right to get them over to my parents basement in the warmth? Please let me know thanks. Sheenah

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Mondo Grass Yellowing

The mondo grass is planted between stepping stones. Leaves are yellowing although it is watered regularly, any suggestions?

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True Aloe

What is the variety of aloe shown in the picture and the botanical name? Picture of mature plant sent. Thank you.


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My orchids seem healthy but can't get them to bloom again. I have them in a bathroom with the humidity thinking this would help. It is not working. Please help.

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