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Black Spots On My Hydrangea Leaves

What is causing black spots on my hydrangea leaves, and what can I do to treat or prevent it from getting worse?

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Do rose bushes go dormant during the summer?

I have very young rose bushes I thought were dead or dieing, but I recently noticed what might be new life on the branches. Do rose bushes go dorment at a time during the summer? Thank you.

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I have a foxglove in my garden that is in full bloom with normal blooms but the very top of the plant is open like a saucer showing all the inside colouring of a normal flower but much bigger, it looks like a sattelite dish. Is this normal or a defect, it is the second plant I have had like this.

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Photinia Dropping Leaves

We have planted 12 5ft tall photinias as a hedge autumn 2011 we have clay sol but dug out a trench about 4ft wide and long enough for the plants which we had filled with topsoil, the photinias were doing very well until about 3 weeks ago following the heavy rain now the leaves are drooping and falling the garden was water logged and where the trench was top soil it was really wet i think this may have been the problem is there anything we can do to save them.

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Lilies and quack grass

How do I rid my lilies of quack grass?

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Bitter lettuce

I have several varieties of lettuce including romaine and black seeded simpson all of which is bitter to the taste. Why?

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Container herb gardening in Texas

A few days ago, I bought an assortment of herbs (Italian parsley, peppermint, basil, thyme, rosemary, dill, and cilantro) from my local farmer's market. At home, I potted and watered them, and set them on my south-facing balcony. The last few days they've been looking wilted (some more than others). I'm not sure it's the heat, too small pots, or delicacy of some of the herbs that is causing this. I also need to know when to water them. Help, please!

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Oak Tree Leaves

I have a Texas red oak with some curled leaves only on new growth, and not all the way around the tree. What are possible causes?

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Kellog Garden Soil

I have been using this product for three years now, however this year, the soil I bought now seems to be riddled with ivy!!! I have been pulling them out as they sprout, but curious if anyone has had this issue as well. I am in northern CA (near Sacramento) and purchased at Lowes.

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I need an evergreen idea

I have a small pond with a waterfall and need some ideas for something that stays green all year,and about a foot tall to go around the water fall. It has to be able to handle full sun. I am zone 8 I think. Thanks in advance for the help. Oh I don't want to put it in the water just around to cover the base of the waterfall.

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Unknown tree?

I have no idea what this tree is, but it has smooth tan/brownish bark, leaves only on the top of tree no other branches except on the top and some of the limbs comeing off of the branches that the leaves are attached to are red. HELP

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very interested

I have no idea what this tree could be, but they are only in the wood line in one little patch. Any ideas would be helpful. Thay have very smooth tan/brownish bark...Help

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