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How do I keep worms and bugs out of my corn? (Hopefully without harmful chemicals)

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Jujube stem

I planted a bare-rroted jujube tree, the leaves have grown out. However there is no stem bud growing. I doubt the top piece of the tree is dead. Shall I cut it to make a stem bud grow?


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Burnt Leaves

I planted a peachcot tree in later April. I live in Phoenix, it is very hot in summer. I watered my peachcot tree every day. The soil is moist under the tree, but I still have leaves burnt. I wonder what I can do?


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Purple Lantana Won't Bloom

My purple lantana doesn't bloom but it is growing well, why?

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Campsis radicans flowers.

Why do I get no flowering for two years on my trumpet vine?

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Should I remove the old, spent flowers from my hydrangea, will more flowers bloom?

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Please help cant tell weeds from what the watermelon leaves are suppose to look like.

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What do the leaves look like, cant tell the weeds from plants?

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Gladiolus did not bloom

My gladiolus did not bloom this year. What do I need to do?

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Norway Columnar Maple

We planted a Norway Columnar Maple in our garden 6 years ago in Chicago. We have had a lot of white residue on the leaves once the heat of summer kicked in and this year only one side (or about half) the tree has leaves. The top looks healthy with leaves all aroud. Do we wait a year to see how it will be next year - without trimming off ay branches, or do we trim off all what appears dead which would be about 6 feet and let it continue up or should we have it dug up and replaced... I appreciate your feed back. Happy FOurth of July! Jorunn Scheiderich

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Trimming Lilacs

How much can you prune without killing bush?

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When to plant fruit trees

When is the best time to plant semi mature fruit tree species in the peninsula (Bay Area, California)?

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