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Gardening Questions Answered, Free Expert Plant Advice

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Japanese Beetle Traps

Do Japanese beetle traps really work? I understand they attract more than already around but will it keep them off certain plants and shrubs.

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Clematis Pruning

I have a group C clematis which is supposed to be pruned in Feb/March. I have not pruned it yet this year & there are new green shoots blooming a couple feet up last years vines. Should I still prune it down or just forget about it this year?

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My over-wintered geraniums are light green. What do they need to make them darker green?

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Can you help, my perenial aubretia has flowers again after deadheading a short time ago but the plants are very leggy with about 6 inches of dry stem before greenery and flowers, what shall I do?

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Getting rid of pet urine, odors

Stray cats use my garden bed for their litter box. The cats are gone but not odor, how do I take care of soil to plant veggies/herbs?

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Early Spring In Southern Michigan

How does the "early" spring effect my garden. Do I still wait to pull things off in case we get a freeze? Southern, lower Michigan.

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Gardening Flowering Sweet Peas & Shelling Peas

Can I plant shelling peas near flowering sweet peas or will they cross pollinate and make the peas inedible?

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Cats digging in pot plants

I have put a layer of stones on pot plant to prevent cat getting in it but I find the water doesnt go past the stones, do I need to put a larger amount of water?

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Use of Preen

Help, I used the wrong kind of Preen (Trifluralin) on an area with edibles (blueberries, huckleberries). Do I need to pull the plants out? Does it "wear off"? What about planting new edibles in the area? I last applied about 3 weeks ago and was just planning to plant an herb garden in the area.

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Monkey Grass

What type of monkey grass is best for edging walkways?

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Tomato & Cucumber Seeds

I am wanting to grow my own tomato and cucumber plants from seeds. Is it to late to start them?

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My hydrangea bushes have frost damage

My hydrangea started to bud and leaf during an unusually warm spell this past March. Since then we've had some frosty nights. I noticed that the leaves are brown, withered with black tips. There is some new green growth at the bottom of the plant. What should I do now? I live in N.E. Ohio

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