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Bird of Paradise plants

We have been told that we need to thin out our bird of paradise - what is the best way to do this?

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When should you pick a mango, while its still green?

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Amur maple trees

They were planted three years ago and are between 10-15 feet tall. They were planted on the north side (shade) and planted 18-36 inches away from the old brick building and sandstone foundation. They are also near some non fruit bearing plum trees and a

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How to transplant my maple tree?

What is the best way to transplant a maple tree?

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Zone hardiness?

What planting Zone am I in? Santa Ana California 92705

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Japanese maple wont grow

My husband planted a Japanese Maple in his sand garden but it won't grow, it has one small branch left with small leaves and it only gets afternoon sun. What can I do to get it to grow?

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My Hydrangea does not bloom

I have three htydrangea shrubs that don't bloom. Any suggestions?

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Squash and cucumber mildew

It looks like my squash and cucumber plants have mildew on the leaves. Is there anything I can do or should have done to prevent this?

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Trimming maples

What time of the year is it safe to cut some branches off a maple tree?

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Trimming Shrubs

I have Weigela, Hydrangea, Butterfly bush (Buddleja) & Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia), when is the best time to trim these shrubs?

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Mandevilla care

My Mandevilla always do well til about August then leaves start turning yellow then brown. What is it's problem. I want to try and winterize but I've got to keep it alive til then. Please help

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Fruit trees with a few barren branches

I noticed on some of my fruit trees that although they are covered in lush green leaves, there are a few branches that are absolutely barren. The leaves are gone and the twigs off shooting from the main branches are brittle. Is this serious? Thank you.

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