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Japanese Maple Tree

When is the best time to prune my Japanese Maple tree?

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Mealy Bugs!!!

Mystery: Every spring I "summerize" my balcony in DC with plants: Palms, Bird of Paradise, etc. They do very well. Insect free. I bring the plants in the house in the fall and winter. They get lots of light. But, for the past 3 years, after they have

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Driveway near an existing tree? (Pin Oak)

Would it harm pin oak trees to put a driveway close to them?

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What is brassica?

What is Brassica carinata?

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Should I plant bamboo?

I've been seeing bamboo advertised to plant outside - is there anything I need to know before purchasing?

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What is an heirloom?

Why are some fruits called heirloom? I've heard the term used with apples and tomatoes.

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Do I need to use a pesticide?

Is there a cheap easy way to get rid of bugs/worms on my plants or do I need to spring for an expensive pesticide?

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How do I select the best plants for my Landscape?

I have 4 plants and want to know were to plant them? 1.African White Iris 2.Desert Rose 3.Pedilanthus Devils Bacckbone #1 4.Bulbinella Florib Yellow Thanks

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When to prune?

When is the best time to trim trees?

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tree trimming

I need to have some trees trimmed-what questions should I ask the companies. What should I expect when they are done?

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Is there an easy way to get rid of crabgrass?

How do I kill crab grass effectively? I have tried the fertilizer and the spray regularly.

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Deer infestation

I have a pear tree in my front yard that we planted last year. There are a group of deer that pass by the trees periodically and they are eating away the tree. Is there a way to keep the deer away from my tree that doesn't involve fences or nasty chemic

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